
9月20日th, 2019年-世界各地, people took to the streets in solidarity with nearly 4 million other activists united in the name of environmentalism. 从伦敦到巴黎, Melbourne to New York City; all the way around the world 和 back again people participated in one of the biggest demonstrations in history. It was a beautiful day here in Saranac Lake where hundreds came out in support of the Global Climate Strike. 这就够了吗?

This is the most people I’ve seen here since Hobo Fest.”

The first spark of the Global Climate Strike was ignited by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old activist from Sweden who began turning heads when she refused to go to school on Fridays. 她称之为“为气候罢课”. 现在它已经变成了一场全球气候罢工.

Thanks to Leena Keal, a senior at Saranac Lake High school, the 北方的国家 participated as well. It was as simple as saying, “Hey, I’m going to do this too!莉娜说。.

就在河边公园里, 冰球突破mg平台的年轻人为他们未来的权利而奋斗, 正好挨着退伍军人步道. All ages looked on 和 listened as thoughts converged on stage to not only raise awareness, but more importantly provide solutions to the single largest threat facing the earth’s population. The event was characterized by a cacophony of applause, 干杯, 和 even horns as people drove by blaring their support.

This is the most people I’ve seen here since Hobo-Fest德普证实道. 市长夏皮罗

400 strong, there were students from elementary, middle, high 和 home schools. 他们从萨拉纳克湖涌入, 是湖, 基恩, 普莱西德湖, 北方的国家, 和北伍德学校. Students showed up from 北方的国家 Community College, 冰球突破官方平台, 甚至远至尤蒂卡附近的汉密尔顿学院, NY. Everyone came out under one banner to address the growing climate problem.





虽然看到抗议者聚集在一起是很棒的, we need to remember that posters 和 protests alone are not enough. Much of the skepticism that surrounds events like these is borne of hollow promises, 没有行动的空谈.

作为对抗议的回应, a Resolution wass presented to Leena on behalf of Legislators Lindy Ellis 和 Carl Sherwin, an official statement intended to reflect that their plans to ensure that the spirit of this protest does not dwindle in vain. 它写着:

解决: That in recognition of the Worldwide focus on this issue (climate change), 9月21日的2019年气候行动周st 和 its efforts to recognize climate change urgently now 和 into the future, Franklin County encourages continued development of new data 和 is interested in reviewing existing 和 ongoing data to propose actions to keep our local communities resilient in the face of change”

9月5日全票通过, 2019, long before the dem和s of the assembly 和 the dem和s of the people were even heard. Vague blanket statements like this often seem to be echo chambers, hollow halls filled with reverberations of the voices who have already spoken.

In a panel at 冰球突破官方平台 discussing possible action 和 moving forward, 一项建议是,年轻人需要投票. 这是事实. 此外,这不是一个简单的解决方案.

We as the younger third of the population are able to see our future is at risk. Our generation has a disconnect with the political system 和 due process, but maybe that’s because we have lost confidence in it all together. Between eternal wars 和 rampant veteran suicide, gun violence 和 a national mental health crisis; it is hard to put faith without cynicism into the same systems that have let us down. 

在全球范围内,冰球突破mg平台知道需要做出哪些决定. 是时候采取行动了.

“Stop subsidizing the already fabulously rich fossil fuel industries 和 subsidize green energy”


We know we need to stop subsidizing coal 和 oil 和 invest in sustainable alternatives, 不管短期经济后果如何, 为了防止长期的经济崩溃. But the fact of the matter is, it has already taken too long.

This movement is bringing a new generation to the climate fight, 和 with them, a new spirit! Now is the time to ensure that momentum is turned into sustained political pressure. Traditional institutional proceedings are not the tools available, however. When the institutional system of values are wrong, the movement starts outside the institution 和 overwhelms it so that change is the only option left.

The Civil Rights Movement didn’t start with a vote, it ended with a vote— 和 a right to vote. 但它始于不安. Unease fermented into a culture of social movement. Organizations began to emerge from that unrest 和 a defined sense of discontent grew 和 with it the desire for those responsible to be held accountable. At last came the boycotts 和 sit-ins, the events that galvanized support. That focalized collective set the stage for leaders to step up.


了解更多关于你能做什么的信息, or to connect with people in your area that are doing something, 访问:http://www。.sunrisemovement.org/ 


“We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, 和 elect leaders who st和 up for the health 和 well-being of all people. 冰球突破mg平台没有向右或向左看. 冰球突破mg平台期待. Together, we will change this country 和 this world, sure as the sun rises each morning.”